South Africans can’t afford to die
So, you thought the expense of living was extraordinarily high? It doesn’t get any cheaper when you die. We understand that death is not a topic that most people like to address, but it is something that everyone should be aware of. The most basic burial costs a little over R25 500, so South Africans cannot afford to die.
Many individuals are astonished by the costs and assume that funerals are cheap. These costs include a burial plot, funeral parlour fees for body collection & storage, casket, hearse, groceries, tents, and slaughtering of cattle.
Culture & traditions also add to the costs
Several factors influence funerals across the country, including cultural expectations, rituals, and financial contributions across various tribal groupings. There are various ways of mourning, each of which has a special significance. The extensive ritual procedures serve as a sense of closure and comfort. Funerals can oftentimes catch you off guard – the passing may have been unexpected.
In addition to the burial costs, families are expected for organizing and fund after-parties following the funeral. Losing a loved one is sad, but it may be made even worse by realizing there isn’t enough money for the burial.
Planning for your passing
Most South Africans don’t plan for death and frequently discover they should have taken a funeral policy after someone close to them passes away. There are costs associated with death that cannot be avoided, therefore it is best to plan for them.
Baroka Funerals offers flexible and unique burial packages from as little as R80* a month. Benefits include groceries, casket, condolence, family cars, Home & Cemetery set-up + more. Get in touch to find out more….
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